The 7th Liverpool Biennial (UK) was based around the theme of 'Hospitality'. Living in Lithuania and unable to attend, I invited artists taking part in a group thematic residency titled 'On Hosting and Displacing' at Nida Art Colony to make an intervention in the Liverpool Biennial Leaflet.
With contributions by Marta Bogdańska (PL), Sigbjørn Bratlie (NO), Federica Martini (IT/CH), Henning Lundkvist (SE) and Marika Troili (SE). Flicking through the leaflet with some of the resident artists during a car journey to Vilnius, ideas and links to our work were triggered, which we in turn noted directly on its pages, forming a two-way dialogue between our projects and the Biennial’s. Formalising this re-working process, the leaflet as a shared resource hosts our ideas, while we in turn act as the leaflet’s host through our up-cycling of it.
Exhibited as part of 'Taking Time; Only the expanse of snow could be seen, white as this page*', an exhibition which I provided curatorial assistance on.
Read more about the work, and the residency / exhibition in Triin Tulgiste's coverage for Nida Art Colony Log No. 2 (4) 2012 here: